by BDHTullford | Feb 22, 2022 | Design Repro, Digital Print, Litho Printing, Point Of Sale, Screen Printing
With the world starting to get back to ‘normal’, print designs in 2022 are going for a more sophisticated and sustainable edge. To find out how to get your brand noticed this year, read on to discover the top print trends. 1. Rich and sophisticated print colour...
by BDHTullford | Dec 15, 2020 | Digital Print, Litho Printing
While we’re all familiar with printing onto paper and card, here at BDH Tullford, we’re able to print onto a much wider range of materials, including plastics and metals. In this article, we explore the nature of Foamex, explaining what it is, why it’s great for signs...
by BDHTullford | Aug 18, 2020 | Digital Print, Litho Printing, Screen Printing
With consumers around the world relying on ecommerce to take care of their shopping needs, retailers everywhere are looking for smart ways to improve the customer experience outside of brick-and-mortar environments. To achieve those memorable moments, many businesses...
by BDHTullford | Jun 9, 2020 | Company News, Litho Printing, Point Of Sale
With summer 2020 shaping up like no other, we’re helping our clients find innovative solutions to the unique challenges they face. And our new ice-cream carrier is one such innovation. We were recently contacted by Kelly’s of Cornwall, part of the Froneri group, which...